About 120 people were assisted between the 24th and 26th of September 2021, by the Maranatha Christian Church (MCC). Through a missionary trip to the municipality of Tefé, Anointed Rogério Oliveira da Silva traveled 600 kilometers from Manaus, capital of the vast state of Amazonas (AM). Arriving in Tefé, which has owned the Work for 20 years and currently has 80 members, Anointed Rogério obtained the help of workers and deacons in the region to start activities. On Friday (24), they held a Workers’ Meeting and, on Saturday (25), a Youth Meeting. On Sunday (26), there was a trip to the Riverside Community of Jenipaua. MCC assisted 30 people from this indigenous community with services of praise to God. They also carried out visits to the homes of members of Tefé. The Word of God renewed the faith of the brothers in the 20 homes visited. Before the end of the trip, they held a special service to glorify God, in Tefé, on Sunday (26).
God reveals secrets
One of the remarkable experiences took place during one of the visits. God revealed secrets, through the spiritual gifts, of a lady, who was away from fellowship with the church.
“During the visit service, she recognized that the Holy Spirit spoke to her and that her place is in the presence of the Lord.”
said Rogério.
Testimonials in the Midst of the Pandemic
At the end of 2020, Anointed Rogério Oliveira da Silva became seriously ill due to COVID-19. On the last day of the year, he was admitted with 50% of his lungs compromised and low oxygenation. On January 4, 2021, he needed to be intubated and there was no sign of improvement. The members of the MCC, in Manaus and the North Amazon region, prayed and God began to show (through spiritual gifts) that He would work a blessing in Rogério’s life, revealing that the disease would not lead to death, but to the Glory of God.
After 19 days, a tracheostomy was performed, a surgical procedure that frees the airways and, consequently, 30 days of fever and change in blood pressure. After a week, Rogério began to show inexplicable improvements, surprising the entire hospital’s medical team. Before being discharged, he asked his wife to give a message to the brothers:
“Tell the brothers that, for me, nothing has changed; my faith and my love for the Lord remain the same and have been perfected throughout this period.”
On February 5th, decannulation (removal of the artificial airway) was performed. “Day after day, he evolved wonderfully, confirming the gifts that the Lord had shown, being discharged on February 7th. The testimony of hospital members was unanimous that the patient in bed 314 of the ICU on the 5th floor is a miracle”, said Pastor Raimundo Artini, from Manaus (AM).
Rogério left the hospital without sequelae, however, he could not walk. In prayer meetings, the Lord had shown that he would walk again within eight days. On the seventh day, he walked alone, fulfilling the Word of the Lord.
At the first home service, he consulted the Word, and heard the voice of God in Ezekiel (33:7): “So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me.”
God opens Doors – An Experience
Deacon Francisco Martins Rodrigues, from the MCC of Tefé, was also admitted to the ICU for treatment of COVID-19. The brother needed to transfer to the hospital in the capital and could not find a place there. Until he received a call from the president of the MCC, Pastor Gedelti Gueiros, who delivered a message from God that the Lord would open a door for the deacon’s recovery. After five days, the hospital informed the family that it had been allowed to transfer Francisco to a hospital in the capital so that better treatment could be provided. The brother was transferred to a private hospital in the capital, through the SUS (Unified Health System), and the nurse, upon receiving the patient in the ICU of that hospital, recognized him, as she is also a servant of the Lord, who accompanied her brother. Throughout the time of his hospital stay. This experience brought great edification to the church in Amazonas, said Rogério Oliveira da Silva.

by Andréia Talma