The Word Maranatha

The word “Maranatha” isn’t just a name, but a spiritual heritage. The word “Maranatha” identifies a calling, a bidding from the Holy Spirit to a special moment and time in the history and the life of the Church: the rapture.

The word “Maranatha” comes from the Aramaic and means: “our Lord is coming.” This expression is used by the apostle Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians:

“If anyone does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed. O Lord, come!” 1 Corinthians‬ ‭16:22‬

It means an announcement and the fulfillment of a judgment. This expression was commonly used in the ancient times by the people of a city awaiting the king’s arrival, proclaiming his coming with the expression: “our King is coming”, or used by the watchman standing vigilant on the towers at night while the city was asleep. Awaken, the watchman alerted the city about any dangers and attacks.

The world is asleep but the Church is awake and observing the events around the world which are prophecies being fulfilled. The Faithful Church knows that soon Jesus will return. On that day of redemption, the Faithful Church will triumph. This same church, criticized and rejected today, will triumph in heaven.

“Maranatha” is, then, the name of a call for a people, it’s a prophecy. It is a living hope in the heart of the faithful servant.

Spreading the Gospel to the World

We are present on all continents of whole planet, connected by the same doctrine, by the direction of the Holy Spirit of God and united by the God’s Word.


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He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."

Mark 16:15