With the goal of reaching children who only speak English, the recording of the childrens’ songs with animation by the members of the Maranatha Christian Church (MCC) in England began on April 18. The recording of the praises started with two children and a teenager using a microphone and a computer. As the result was satisfactory, other children wished to participate in the recordings at home. The work grew and received more volunteers. The group has 15 participants. “In this pandemic moment, in the children’s classes, I realized that they were not participating as they should, so it motivated me to want to look for a way to use these animations with the praises in English,” explained Danielly Ribeiro, from MCC in Greenwich, England, coordinator of work with the children. In addition to providing all-English animation to help church children, it is also an evangelization tool that can reach more children.

The translation of the songs from the songbook is a work of the Department of Praise of MCC. Each language has a coordinator. English translations are coordinated by MCC in the USA. The animations of the praises of Children, Intermediaries and Adolescents (CIAs), in turn, are carried out by MCC in Brazil, which makes the file available to the brothers in England to insert the audio and subtitles in English.
After the songs for children in England were recorded, their voices are joined in software, edited and inserted in the animation with caption. Some animations have words written in Portuguese, such as Salvation, Eternity, Jesus and Heaven, which are also translated. Pastor Charlles Cibien, MCC coordinator in England and Ireland, said the praises are checked before they are published and used in CIAs services and classes. The work with animations is carried out by Danielly and some brothers of the MCC of Greenwich, whose pastor is Ademir Lodi.
The MCC London YouTube channel (ICM – Maranatha Christian Church – UK) displays nine animations. Every two weeks, between two and four praises are made available on the channel. This time takes into account the children’s rehearsals, the receipt of animations by MCC from Brazil, editing and analysis of the final material. The first praises translated, with audio and animation, were “Eu quero cantar” (“With joy I will sing”) and “Jesus é a nossa vitória” (“In Jesus we always have vict’ry”). The animation of the hymn “Precisosa semente” is the next publication.
Currently, seven praises are in production. “We are currently waiting for videos without subtitles to continue our project with better quality,” added Danielly. Below, the list of praises in production.
[fusion_li_item icon=”fa-music”]Como uma folha ao vento (Just like a leaf)
[/fusion_li_item][fusion_li_item icon=”fa-music”]Firme sim (Standing Firm)
[/fusion_li_item][fusion_li_item icon=”fa-music”]Tenho uma Candeia (I have a little lamp)
[/fusion_li_item][fusion_li_item icon=”fa-music”]No expresso viajamos (On the happy day express)
[/fusion_li_item][fusion_li_item icon=”fa-music”]Dons do Espírito Santo (Gifts of Holy Spirit)
[/fusion_li_item][fusion_li_item icon=”fa-music”]Vem para o meio (Waters of Salvation)
[/fusion_li_item][fusion_li_item icon=”fa-music”]Foi no caminho para Damasco (On the road to Damascus)
“Look mommy, look, look it’s Jesus”
Children who are participating in the praise recordings are experiencing remarkable experiences with God. 30 days ago, one of the children participating in the recording work was playing in the yard with his cousin. That week, the praise “Maranatha, Jesus will soon come!” was being rehearsed. As reported by family members, the boy stood still, looking up for a while. Then he ran and called his father and said “Daddy, I saw Heaven very close to me, the angels were singing a praise for me.” The father then asked what was the praise? He replied: “They were singing Glory, Glory, Hallelujah! Winning comes Jesus! and then they sang “Maranatha” for me “.
Likewise, God spoke to a two-year-old boy. His four-year-old sister and his nine-year-old brother are part of the praise recording project. The two-year-old liked to watch children’s music animations from other YouTube channels. However, after the animation videos of the praises of MCC started to be released in English, he started asking his mother to watch. Yesterday, May 31st, the boy was sitting at the door of his house, looking at the sky and started calling his family. Pointing to the sky, very moved, saying: “look mommy, look, look it’s Jesus”. And he repeated this several times, so that they would look at the sky, because Jesus was there. This child was still unable to pronounce words. But that day, even the parents and family were amazed at the child’s testimony.
Praises with landscape images for the online services
Another project to produce praises with landscapes, in English, has been carried out intercontinentally, that is, by the brothers from England, Canada and the USA. This important work is the combination of the lyrics of the praises translated into English, audio and landscape images, according to the praises that have been displayed in the services published by MCC from Brazil. The members of these countries are closer remotely and more united for the execution of this project.
They had an experience with the delay in the delivery of purchased equipment. Then, the praise production group cried out in prayer and God solved the problem quickly, ahead of schedule. Many other experiences are already witnessing this work. “A sister shared with us that an English friend heard the praises and felt a lot of joy and peace with the song Meu Deus vence batalhas (My God Wins every Battle),” said the deacon and coordinator of the praise recordings, João Nascimento.
In the MCC London channel, the praises “Vem, Jesus Cristo já vem” (Come, Lord Jesus return), “Em Ti eu encontro” (In You I find), “O Espírito de Deus” (The spirit of God), “Meu Deus vence batalhas ” (My God wins every battle), “Pelo Sangue de Jesus” (For the blood of Jesus Christ), “Clamarei, Clamarei” (For the Blood of Jesus Christ) and “O grande amor do meu Senhor” (My Lord’s greatest love).

Reception of services in England and Ireland
This region is coordinated by Pastor Charlles Cibien with the help of four pastors and three anointed ones, responsible for six churches and five preaching points. They assist around 510 members in England and 19 in Ireland. In social isolation, members participate in the services available on the official MCC channel on Youtube. Because of the time difference of four hours, most of them attend the services during the day because it is dawn in England the time of the live broadcast. For everyone to participate in the service at the appointed time, the services are held on YouTube at MCC London, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 8 pm local time, with English translation. Through the ZOOM app, members participate in the early hours, daily. On other days, pastors also use this platform to worship with their churches. On Sundays, they participate only in the content produced and transmitted, live, through the official MCC channel on Youtube: Escola Bíbica Dominical (Sunday Bible School), Program Announcing the Eternal Gospel and the evening service.
By Andréia Talma
Translated by Sara Abbasova